The Future Space is a tranquil and immersive forest exhibit, a quiet and mysterious sanctuary in a lush dream world. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through stunning scenery for a peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

The project delves into the concept of "the future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented" by envisioning a dystopic world where human actions have ravaged the environment. The central idea is to provoke thought on the consequences of our choices and inspire positive change. I have created a 3D model environment that presents a utopian world, privileging the natural environment, crafted through digital technology.

The world is polluted when we see that plastic products are threatening marine life; trees and forests are being cut down, and birds and koalas cannot find their homes; humans have no clean water sources to drink due to the discharge of human industrial waste and the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the ocean. etc.

The 3D model environment for this assignment responds to this situation through the creation of a utopian world one that privileges the natural environment designed utilizing digital technology. A virtual exhibition environment that responds to a future designed for humans without normal access to outdoor simulation environments.

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